Business & FinanceMarketing

4 Affordable Ways to Thank Your Clients & Important Customers

Within this article, we will provide you with four affordable ways to thank your clients and customers this holiday season. This will strengthen your rapport by providing a positive personable experience, which will subsequently lead to enhanced loyalty.

Even if you are seemingly out of time with your seasonal or holiday thank-you, there is time to adopt these methods of how to thank your clients, and it won’t break the bank! Before we proceed, one thing to keep in mind when planning the message you wish to convey is that the thank you should be heartfelt. Your customers’ experiences with your brand are what will determine your company’s growth. Word-of-mouth is the least expensive form of advertising, and it can make or break a business. So, let’s chat about how you can provide your clients with an impressionable heartfelt thank-you, tailored to their specific business.

1. The Handwritten Note

For those clients you deem important (parameters determined by your individual business), a heartfelt handwritten note is an amazing way to connect and build lifelong relationships. Keep in mind that this note should value quality over quantity. It can be a short letter or card, containing 1-2 paragraphs, but it must be honest and sincere. Within the note, mention how you met and details as to your experiences together. Remember, when working with larger companies, they may have several vendors. Your job is to help them to remember you. What about your contact was memorable? How did you connect? What was that defining moment when you knew this would be the beginning of a beautiful relationship? Reference specific elements of the day or your conversation, compliment them and the work they are doing, and be appreciative of them. Don’t try to sell additional products or services. That is not the task at hand. Simply thank them. Period. Check out the following actual real-world thank-you note sent to a client:

It is genuine, it is honest, it is personable, and it provides specifics. The letter begins with gratitude for being provided the opportunity to work with them. It speaks of specific campaigns, which can assist with memory recall. It also ensures that full credit is not claimed, but rather, equally distributed amongst the team. It is inclusive—the recipient, their team, and you all contributed to the success of that campaign. It compliments both the business owner and their team. Finally, it reiterates gratefulness for the opportunity to work with them and wishes well, to the recipient and those they care about.

Yes, I know… we live in a world of technology. So why send a handwritten card? There is something special, almost magical, about that handwritten card. A handwritten card takes time and precision, and that tangible card… well there really is nothing else like it. Embrace the value of writing out that thank-you letter. You will wow your client, and you will stand out from the rest. Your end-of-year thank you card will be remembered and shared. The handwritten card really can make a world of difference.

Thank you for placing your trust in us to create and implement your Independence Day sales and Black Friday campaigns this year. It was a great pleasure working with you and your team to bring together such successful campaigns. You really have put together a great team.
Thank you again for the opportunity and I wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season.
Best Regards,
John Doe

Example of a simple hand-written thank you note

2. The Emailed Letter

There really are two reasons why you would email a letter as opposed to writing it by hand. We discussed the value in handwriting a thank-you, but if it truly is something you feel uncomfortable with, or your writing is illegible beyond reach, craft a personalized email thanking them for the trust they have extended to you and your company.

The second reason why you might email a thank-you letter is if you are thanking large groups of customers or clients. Provide thanks to them for being a customer, but (and this is really important), do not sell to your customer, and do not include coupons or discounts. Just be sincere and thank them for trusting in your brand. To emphasize, it is imperative that you do not try to make a sale in this email, as doing so can actually damage your relationship with that client.

3. The Ecard

If writing isn’t your thing, and you can’t think of what to say, consider sending an Ecard. There are numerous Ecard providers, from JibJab to American Greetings. Keep the message light and be thankful. Lean toward funny over serious, as you would love for your customers to share your Ecard greetings and people like to share funny things. Since Ecards are not created by your brand, you can afford to be a little more relaxed in the overall message, and your clients will be understanding of that.

4. The Gift

Now, this one will cost you a bit of money, but the return on giving a modest gift can be amazing! Before you dismiss this option because there is a cost, know that embracing gift-giving is reserved for larger clients and customers. If, for example, you are billing a client or customer thousands of dollars, it will never hurt your business to invest $20-$40 on a modest gift. The appreciation of your goodwill and the return business this will generate will astound you.

So, you may be asking: “Well, what should I buy for these larger clients?” First, this isn’t the 1990s anymore and three-martini lunches are a thing of the past, so stay away from alcohol in a gift basket. Instead, look to a modest edible arrangement, such as something from Shari’s Berries. If your customer doesn’t enjoy the gift, we’re certain that they have loved ones such as kids or a spouse who will… or one of their colleagues will.

People love doing business with people they like. You want your clients to connect with your brand beyond the time of service. These four thank-you approaches are intended to achieve both.

If you’re thinking: “There’s no way I can get a delivery to a customer before the holidays,” shop local. There most often is a specialty chocolate shop or florist that sells edible arrangements, or another local business that can satisfy that need. If they can’t deliver before the holiday season, pick it up and hand-deliver it, and when you do, include a short thank-you note using The Handwritten Note option above.

If you miss the holiday season with your thank-you messaging, don’t let that deter you from moving forward with thanking your customers. Simply modify the thank-you so that it is not specific to a particular holiday or season, or if it is between holidays, such as Christmas and New Year’s, use verbiage such as: “I hope you’ve had a great holiday season!”

*E-Commerce Gorilla has no affiliation with JibJab, American Greetings, or Shari’s Berries. Our intent is to provide you with somewhere to start by sharing with you companies that have yielded positive experiences with our clientele.

Jennifer Hanifl

Jennifer Hanifl is the chief editor of E-Commerce Gorilla. She is driven to educate with passion, live to inspire, and strive to empower. Jennifer's continual goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of others, an endeavor for a movement toward positive experience and change.

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