
Overcoming Conversion Tracking Challenges on Your E-Commerce Store with Your TikTok Pixel

The TikTok Pixel is an invaluable tool for e-commerce entrepreneurs who use TikTok advertising as part of their marketing strategy. It allows tracking of customer behavior, providing insights that help enhance advertising strategies and improve return on investment (ROI). But what if your TikTok Pixel isn’t tracking all your conversions as it should?

In this blog post, we’re sharing a comprehensive guide from our latest video on how to diagnose and address common issues that may affect your TikTok Pixel’s performance.

Common Issues and Solutions

One of the most frequent causes of any tracking system failures, including the TikTok Pixel, is slow or incomplete page loads. If your page takes too long to load or fails to load completely, it can disrupt the pixel’s functioning. Therefore, it’s crucial to check your page’s loading time and address any issues. Chrome’s Web Inspection Tools is a great place to start for testing loading speeds and identifying page load problems.

Another common issue arises from JavaScript or cookie hindrances. In some cases, users may decline your website’s request for cookie acquisition, preventing the TikTok Pixel from activating. One solution to this problem is using the TikTok event API to gather shopper feedback. Depending on your e-commerce platform, third-party solutions like Shopflyer and Triple Whale can offer assistance, but these come with additional costs. Always do your own research before deciding to invest in these services.

In addition, changes in opt-in tracking implemented in iOS14 and onwards by Apple can impact how conversions get tracked on Apple devices. Since around the end of April 2021, Apple implemented the new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework. This requires apps to ask for users’ permission to access the Identifier for Advertiser (IDFA). TikTok offers substantial documentation on how to manage these tracking considerations, and we highly recommend checking these resources for additional guidance.

Lastly, remember that reporting delays can occur in TikTok pixel data, extending up to 24–48 hours. It’s important to allow sufficient time for data to appear before drawing conclusions or making any significant decisions based on that data.

Our goal is to help you solve any intermittent TikTok Ad tracking issues you might face with your e-commerce store. We hope these tips assist in diagnosing and resolving any potential problems.

Have more questions or topics you’d like to see us cover in future videos or blog posts? Please head over to and let us know. And if you know someone who might benefit from this blog post, don’t hesitate to share it.

As always, don’t forget to check out the full video for a more in-depth look into each of these points.

Hans-Eirik Hanifl

Hans-Eirik Hanifl is a forward thinking e-commerce and marketing consultant. As an advocate for the free exchange of knowledge, he founded E-Commerce Gorilla as a place where like-minded individuals can ask questions and share their expertise on practical solutions in the area of e-commerce and marketing. He is the owner of TRM Marketing and an avid supporter of the open source community.

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